Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Micah 5

            Micah 5:1-9 is the completion of Micah 6:8-13, structurally speaking. It’s easiest to show it graphically:

            A The Lord strengthens a remnant (4:6-7a)

                        B Dominion restored (4:7b-8)

                                    C Zion and her king are humiliated (4:9-10)

                                                D Zion saved from the present crisis (4:11-13)

                                    C’ Zion and her king are humiliated (5:1)

                        B’ Dominion restored (5:2-6)

            A’ The Lord strengthens a remnant (5:7-9)—Source, Robert Chisholm, Handbook of the Prophets, p.422)

The message is that the Lord has plans for Israel: they will be restored to the land. The present trouble, including the failure of her kings and the fall of Jerusalem, fit into that plan. Ultimately, those who oppose God and His people will be destroyed, and God’s purposes will be fulfilled.

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